Providers’ and Parents’ Awareness of Policy Changes to Vermont’s Child Care Financial Assistance Program

Fact SheetEarly ChildhoodSep 29, 2023

In 2021, Vermont enacted several changes to its Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP). These changes included increased family income eligibility, waived or reduced family copayments, and increased provider reimbursement rates.

To better understand child care providers’ and parents’ awareness of these policy changes, which were implemented in July 2022, Child Trends surveyed licensed center-based and family child care providers and parents in Vermont who had and had not participated in CCFAP in March-April 2023—eight months following the implementation of the new policies. This factsheet presents our findings.

Child Trends prepared this fact sheet in partnership with the Vermont Child Development Division, Department for Children and Families as part of the Planning Research on Subsidy Payment Rates (PROSPR) Project, which is funded by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation (Grant # 90YE0255).


Suggested citation

Banghart, P., Schaefer, C., Richards, K., & Daily, S. (2023). Providers’ and parents’ awareness of policy changes to Vermont’s Child Care Financial Assistance Program. Child Trends.
