Key Findings on the Decline of Family Child Care in Maryland

Fact SheetEarly ChildhoodMar 27 2024

As in other states, Maryland has experienced a decline in family child care (FCC) in recent years. The Maryland Child Care Policy Research Partnership project conducted a mixed methods study that examined the rate of decline in FCC providers in Maryland—including during periods of policy changes to Maryland’s scholarship program[1]  prior to the COVID-19 pandemic—and the reasons Maryland’s FCC providers reported closing.


[1] Maryland refers to child care subsidies that are funded through the federal Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) as child care scholarships.


Suggested Citation

Halle, T., Banghart, P., Solomon, B., Maxfield, E., Kelley, S., Amadon, S., & Madill, R. (2024). Key findings on the decline of family child care in Maryland. Child Trends.

