Early Childhood System Building Strategies

As state and territory early care and education (ECE) leaders develop new ideas and ambitious plans using Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) funds, they need high-quality information at all steps of the process—from setting ECE goals to understanding the impact of their investments to ensuring sustainable success on a large scale.

Child Trends possesses extensive knowledge of the systems that support young children and their families and a deep bench of expertise in program performance evaluation, technical assistance, capacity building, and strategic planning. We have the capabilities and experience needed to support states and territories with strengthening their ECE systems, including through PDG B-5.

The Administration for Children & Families’ Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) supports the implementation of initiatives in states and territories that coordinate or integrate early care and education (ECE) programs.

Our Approach

Starts with collaboration

At Child Trends, we match our approaches to our clients’ needs—not the other way around—drawing from a full array of evidence-based strategies to provide insights and consultation on how a state or territory’s ECE system can reach its goals. We collaborate with clients throughout a project on decisions that need to be made and/or adaptations to the workplan as activities and needs shift.

Draws on evidence from multiple perspectives

We examine the structures and policies that impact children, families, and the ECE workforce and use advisory groups and other strategies to understand their perspectives.

Uses rigorous methods

We use rigorous qualitative and quantitative data to understand how systems affect the experiences of children, families, and the ECE workforce, as well as what changes can improve those systems.

Prioritizes actionable takeaways

Child Trends presents findings in easy-to-read, digestible formats that are tailored to our audiences, so states and territories have the information they need to support decision making.

Our Experience

To date, we have supported PDG B-5 projects and efforts in 10 states, with efforts including:

  • Needs assessments
  • Program performance evaluations
  • Deep-dive evaluations on focal areas for a state/territory
  • Training and technical assistance on data integration and systems building
  • Quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) revisions
  • Analyzing state administrative data
  • Strategic planning

We work in states and territories across the nation, including the following:

North Carolina

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From 2019 to 2023, Child Trends served as the evaluator of North Carolina PDG B-5 program. Our research provided insights on:

  • Whether the activities funded by PDG B-5 resulted in the intended improvements and outcomes to support the strengthening of the ECE system
  • What is needed to grow or sustain PDG B-5 activities and inform future work in North Carolina

During this time, Child Trends also conducted three in-depth evaluations on topics of interest to the state: transition to kindergarten, family engagement and leadership, and data system improvements.

A separate team at Child Trends partnered with North Carolina to study the feasibility of supporting more infant and toddler care through the state’s PDG B-5 grant. The research team identified existing challenges related to current supply and demand for infant and toddler care in North Carolina, designed a Birth to Three Early Learning Pilot program, and estimated the per child cost for the program.


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As Georgia’s research partner for the state’s PDG B-5 from 2019 to 2023, Child Trends supported Georgia’s Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) in key ways:

  • We evaluated several initiatives, including:
    • The DECAL Scholars program that supports early childhood educators
    • The Trainer Approval System that determines who can provide state-approved professional development
    • The new Language and Literacy Endorsement, which recognizes programs that are in the QRIS and engage in targeted efforts to improve language and literacy instruction
  • As the COVID-19 pandemic started, Child Trends supported DECAL’s transition to remote support and quality assessments for programs in their QRIS and evaluated its implementation.
  • Child Trends also supported DECAL’s Annual Program Performance Evaluation, providing training to DECAL staff on survey methods.

North Dakota

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Once North Dakota received its PDG B-5 grant in 2019, Child Trends partnered with the state on strategic planning for using the funds to make improvements across the B-5 system.

  • Child Trends gathered information about how families, teachers, and school leaders understand school readiness to inform instructional supports in early childhood and into kindergarten.
  • Our research team evaluated existing pathways to quality improvement across the state, specifically focused on the state’s QRIS, Bright & Early.
  • We provided consultation to North Dakota’s Department of Public Instruction and key early childhood leaders on maximizing parent knowledge and choice in early care and education, sharing best practices within the B-5 system, and improving overall quality through assessments and shared data.
  • A separate Child Trends team led North Dakota’s program performance evaluation.


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Child Trends—in partnership with Early Milestones Colorado and Marzano Research Institute—worked with the Colorado Department of Human Services’ Office of Early Childhood (OEC) in 2019 to develop a strategic plan for the state’s early childhood system as part of its PDG B-5.

  • Using PDG B-5, the state aimed to improve its efficient use of resources, coordinate funding streams, enhance information technology systems, and increase parental choice and knowledge.
  • With these goals in mind, Child Trends developed a strategic plan by aligning existing state and local early childhood system plans and gathering feedback from about 1,300 parents and more than 225 early childhood stakeholders across Colorado.
  • The resulting strategic plan informed Colorado’s efforts to strengthen partnerships and expand participation in the mixed-delivery early childhood system.

Our Expertise

We are also well versed in each of the major focal areas of the PDG B-5, including:

  • Increasing access to high-quality early childhood programs in the mixed-delivery system
  • Supporting the early childhood workforce
  • Offering behavioral and mental health services for children, families, and the workforce
  • Providing services and efforts to include children with or at risk of disabilities
  • Facilitating efforts and opportunities to engage families in making recommendations to improve public policy and services
  • Creating systems for coordinated application, eligibility, and enrollment of children and families in early care and education
  • Developing states’ Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS) and aligning those with State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS)

Let’s Connect!

Interested in partnering on your PDG B-5 program needs? Get in touch.
